As Valuer

  • Carried out more than 7719 valuations in various aspects, Income tax, wealth tax, estate duty, fair rental, fair market valuation, bank valuation, loss assessed, market value under land acquisition, deciding family partitions, guarantor’s worth, deciding work in process/progress etc. Consultant & Valuer to banks like AB, BoM, SJSB, KUB, LUB, LxUB, PJSB, VUB, YNSB, TJSB, SSB, LMCS, DNSB, PNSB, PSB, GPPB, Abhyuday B, MNSB etc and acted as commissioner at Latur/Osmanabad in various court matters, etc YES FELLOW OF INSTITUTE OF VALUERS NEW DELHI No. 2059.
  • REGI. VALUERS CAT-I -2536 of 1973 vide F.No.L525/379/of IT WT Govt. of India, CBDT dtd.15.12.84 vide letter no.NSK/Tech/400/84-85/110255 dated 29.11.1984 REGI. VALUERS CAT-ED-I -1049 of 1975 vide F.No.300/213/B 4-ED Govt. of India, CBDT dtd.27.12.84 vide letter no.NSK/Tech/400/84-85/110255 dated 29.11.1984 REGI. VALUERS CAT-I/238 OF 1988 approved BY CC OF IT PUNE vides l. no. PN/CC.Coord/ 120/P-32/92-93 dtd.9.9.1992 And, Enlistment in the Directory of Industrial Consultants for “Valuation of assets & properties” Techno-economic feasibility reports’ vide “IDBI” letter no.7637/DFID.10(1303)dt.9/1/1996 Valuations of properties i) up to 1 Cr >7710 nos.,ii) above 1 Cr up to 5 Cr -6 nos,iii) above 10Cr 3 nos.

As pollution control expert

  • Handled effluent treatment plant works for more than 30 sugar factories and 3 paper mills etc.

As Architect

  • In charge of various projects for VMFRC-Vivekanad Medical Foundation & research Center, Dairy dev. board, Chemtex India Ltd, Jankalyan samiti, banks, numerous clients : Yes, Approved by MRSSKS LTD. MUMBAI vide No.151 & by MSAMB PUNE vide No.3532/90 dt.15-5-90

As loss assessor

  • Reports for various earthquake affected properties in Latur & Osmanabad dist. etc approved by Ministry of Finance, Insurance Divn., New Delhi & empanelled by The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. (Pune Region) vide letter dtd 25/7/95

As project management consultant

  • Prepared more than 75 bankable project reports and executed them to grand success. Assessed more than 15 project reports of 23 banks and submitted Techno feasibility reports. I have also prepared & submitted “Techno-feasibility reports” which have been accepted by various banks in this region.

As Chartered Engineer

  • Acted as consultant and specially RCC design expert for large sized projects.

As Consultant

  •  Written technical papers & presentation in international and inland seminars etc. My 2 papers on “Privatization projects” have been read in International seminars at Taj International , in Mumbai and at Patna in Bihar in Yr. 1993

As arbitrator

  • Successfully handled & resolved few complicated legal disputes

As Industrialist

  • Successfully handled & resolved few complicated legal disputes

As CMD of Pvt. Ltd. Co.

  • DASA Pvt. Ltd. A company dedicated to studies in animation works wef 2009 till 2012 (closed), SE I Pvt. Ltd. A company dedicated to studies in IT security works wef 2009 till 2012 (closed) & DIC Pvt. Ltd. Company dedicated to construction at Latur & activity of Vishva super market at Talegaon Dabhade, Dist. Pune wef 2009 (till 30.9.2016)
  • List of institutions, companies, corporations, business houses engaging the undersigned on retainer basis or otherwise- Vivekanand Medical foundation & research Center Latur etc Court commissioner at Latur / Osmanabad Valuer approved by Sr. Advocates/CAs of Latur, Osmanabad, Solapur, Pune, Satara, Nagpur and, Approved Pollution control consultant to various factories in Maharashtra state & few in Karnataka State etc. wef Yr.1980 till 1988